Affirmations of A Little Brown Boy {ChrissyXtina is A Mom}

Affirmations of A Little Brown Boy I dealt with infertility for 5 years before being blessed with a child, a son. A beautiful brown boy who is rambunctious, caring, intelligent and oddly humorous (like his Mom). On the day he was born, the words “I love you” involuntarily kept escaping my mouth every few moments. This type of love was new to me, it was completely overwhelming and self-sacrificing. I was emotionally raw, wholly in love, but also terrified of all the what if’s. His nurse her overheard me telling my son that I loved him and told me to make sure I told him that every day. From that day on I have not let a day go by without telling him I love him. EVERYDAY. PERIOD. If my parenting style could be summed up into one word it would be: Intentional. About a week ago I began making my son recite the following affirmations: “I am who God says I am.” “I am a leader.” “I am strong” “I am beautiful.” “I am smart.” “I am loved.” I figured that as a brow...